Properties of Stainless Steel 15-5 plus related metals buy metal and purchase excess inventory bid on RFQs and sell excess inventory research materials and use metal utilities contact info, press room, and careers @ MSO my information, rfq inbox, quote inbox contact us


properties of 15-5


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Stainless Steel 15-5

Related Metals: Carpenter 15Cr-5Ni(tm)
AL 15-5(tm)
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Specifications: AMS 5659
AMS 5826
AMS 5862
ASTM A564 (XM-12)
ASTM A693 (XM-12)
ASTM A705 (XM-12)
UNS S15500

Chemistry Data


0.07 max


14 - 15.5


2.5 - 4.5




1 max


3.5 - 5.5


0.15 - 0.45


0.04 max


1 max


0.03 max

General Information

Principal Design Features

This is a martensitic, precipitation hardening, chromium-nickel-copper stainless steel. The alloy combines good strength, transverse toughness and ductility, hardness capability and corrosion resistance compared with 304 stainless. It may be used in the solution treated condition or heat treated to obtain a wide variety of properties.


Aircraft components, fabricated parts in high pressure corrosive environments including valves, shafts, fasteners, fittings and gears.


This alloy may be machined in any of the attainable conditions, however machining in H1150M will yield best tool life.


This alloy is capable of being only mildly formed. If forming is required, do so in the overaged condition for best results.


Resistance methods or shielded fusion is recommended. Use AWS E/ER630 for filler metal.

Heat Treatment

CONDITION A--Soak at 1900 F(1038 C) for 1/2 hour, air cool. CONDITION H 900--Soak Condition A material at 900 F(482 C) for 1 hour, air cool. CONDITION H 925, H 1025, H1075, H 1100, H 1150--Soak Condition A material at desired temperature for 4 hours, air cool. CONDITION H 1150M--Soak Condition A material at 1400 F(760 C) for 2 hours, air cool. Heat to 1150F(621 C) for 4 hours, air cool.

Hot Working

This alloy works well in all common hot working procedures. Material should be annealed after hot working for best heat treat response.

Cold Working

Cold work is restricted only by this alloys high initial yield strength. The alloy is not favored for cold working but can be moderately formed.


1900 F (1038 C) for 1 hour, rapid cooling. Also known as " solution treating."

Physical Data

Density (lb / cu. in.)


Specific Gravity


Specific Heat (Btu/lb/Deg F - [32-212 Deg F])


Modulus of Elasticity Tension


Mechanical Data

MSO currently has no data available for this grade.

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